dance !... The Dance
Oil on canvas.
The dancing lady is a Hebrew woman
completely consumed in the Joy of God,
in mid-air, worshipping Him in the Praise of the Dance.
As I painted this painting, I often thought of the Joy of Miriam and the other women dancing in Joy, Praise and Thanksgiving to God after they, and Moses, and all the people, crossed through the Red Sea on dry ground...and that God is the same for us today.
This is a painting for all people. The dancing lady represents the Jewish people, the chosen people. And she also represents us all (every human on earth), partaking in the Life more Abundant that Jesus gives...Every person: His Chosen people, grafted in by Him.
The dancing lady is a Hebrew woman
completely consumed in the Joy of God,
in mid-air, worshipping Him in the Praise of the Dance.
As I painted this painting, I often thought of the Joy of Miriam and the other women dancing in Joy, Praise and Thanksgiving to God after they, and Moses, and all the people, crossed through the Red Sea on dry ground...and that God is the same for us today.
This is a painting for all people. The dancing lady represents the Jewish people, the chosen people. And she also represents us all (every human on earth), partaking in the Life more Abundant that Jesus gives...Every person: His Chosen people, grafted in by Him.